Upgrading the RS9116W Firmware
This document provides instructions on how to upgrade your T-Mobile DevEdge IoT Developer Kit's RS9116W firmware.
- The T-Mobile DevEdge IoT Developer Kit.
- A serial app like Tera Term, PuTTY, or Serial.
- An Internet connection over Wi-Fi.
- A computer with USB-A ports.
Why would I want to follow the instructions in this document?
I have an older version of the RS9116W on my kit. The version I need on my kit is 1610.
As a result, I am getting an error (errno 103 or errno 113) when trying to connect my kit to the Web App. Upgrading the RS9116W to firmware version 1610. will resolve this issue.
Step A
Upgrade the RS9116W firmware.
Connect your T-Mobile DevEdge IoT Developer Kit via the J-Link USB-C Debug port to your computer using your USB-C to USB-A cord.
- Open your serial app. For demonstration purposes we will use Serial on a Mac.
- Select the port that is connected to your IoT Developer Kit then click Open.
Hit Return on your keyboard. The uart command line appears.
- Connect to Wi-Fi by entering
tmo wifi connect 2 "<SSID>" 0 "<psk>"
in Serial. Hit Return on your keyboard. - A "Connected" message appears if you have connected successfully to the network.
tmo wifi status 2
then hit Return on your keyboard to check the status of your connection. -
Type the following commands to download and update the RS9116W firmware driver:
Set the base URL:
tmo dfu base_url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmobile/DevEdge-IoTDevKit-Binaries/main/silabs/rs9116w/
Start the download. For tmo_shell prior to v1.15.1:
tmo dfu download 2
For tmo_shell v1.15.1 and above:
tmo dfu download 2 RS9116W.
Allow the download to complete.
Update the 9116 firmware:
tmo dfu update 2 0
Once the update completes your IoT Developer Kit will reboot.
Step B
Once the firmware updates are complete. Push the Reset button on the DevEdge Developer Kit.
Your serial app will display the kit running through a series of system checks.
Step C
Test that the RS9116W works.
- Open your serial app. For demonstration purposes we will use Serial on a Mac.
- Enter
tmo wifi scan 2
. Hit Return on your keyboard. A list of available Wi-Fi networks appears. - Connect to a network by entering
tmo wifi connect 2 "<SSID>" 0 "<psk>"
in Serial. Hit Return on your keyboard. - A "Connected" message appears if you have connected successfully to the network.
tmo wifi status 2
then hit Return on your keyboard to check the status of your connection. - Connect to the Web App by entering
fs cat /tmo/aws_session.txt
then pressing Return on your keyboard. -
Write down the number that appears just before the uart command line. This number is your 8-digit access code to the web app.
This access code is case sensitive. Please ensure that you get the spelling of this access code correct or it will not work in the web app.
Also note that if you receive a "Failed to obtain file /tmo/aws_session.txt (err: -2)" please contact us and we will give you instructions on how to fix this error.
tmo json enable
then press Return on your keyboard. -
You should receive a 200 status code upon successful connection.
- In a web browser, go to the web app https://devkit.devedge.t-mobile.com/.
Enter the access code then click Next.
You should now see data in the web app.
- Play with the kit by moving it around and blowing on the temperature sensor. The Web App data will change based on both the movements and the temperature changes.
- The RS9116W firmware is successfully tested and working if you managed to complete all these steps.
- In addition, you can also check the firmware version for your RS9116W by entering
tmo dfu version 2
Before upgrade.
After upgrade.
- Issue 1 - I cannot download the firmware update. What might be the problem?
- Solution 1 - Check to see if you have connected to Wi-Fi by using the command
tmo wifi status 2
. Connect to Wi-Fi by enteringtmo wifi connect 2 "<SSID>" 0 "<psk>"
in Serial or whatever serial app you prefer. Hit Return on your keyboard.
- Question 1 - I cannot find my 8-digit access code for the Web App in the box? Is there another way to find this access code?
Answer 1 - Yes there is. At serial app CLI enter
fs read /tmo/aws_session.txt
. The output should provide you your 8-digit code.
- Question 2 - How do I know what tmo_shell version my kit is on?
Answer 2 - Enter
tmo version
at serial app command line.